How to Make the Grid Work

First, in order for an image to show up on the grid on the homepage, you’ll need to change this post from ‘standard’ to ‘image’. You do that by going to the RIGHT sidebar on this page–at the top, you’ll see ‘document’. Click on that. Under ‘Status and Visibility’, you’ll see ‘Post Format’ with a drop-down–select ‘Image’ there.

Next, you’ll want to move down to categories and select ‘images’ from there. You can have more than one category for your blog post, but only the ones that are in IMAGES will show up on the front page.

Lastly, you’ll need to select the image you want on the home page and upload it to ‘featured image’ which is just slightly below the ‘categories’ section. All of this is under the ‘Document’ section on the right ———-> ————-> ———–>.

Easy peasy. That’s all there is to it. HOWEVER, in order for them to look and fit nicely into the grid, they all need to be the same size. The theme developers suggest 570×570 px.